IBB Predicts Winner Of Nigeria's 2023 Presidential Election

IBB Predicts Winner Of Nigeria's 2023 Presidential Election.

Former Nigerian military Head of State, General Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida (IBB), rtd, has revealed the candidate he expects to win Nigeria's 2023 presidential election.


He stated this during an interview with Arise Television.

Below is a part of the interview.

IBB: I have started visualizing a good Nigerian leader.

Interviewer asks him: Who is that?

IBB continues: A person who travels in this country and has a friend virtually everywhere he travels. He knows at least one person he can communicate with. A person who is very vast in Economics. And then a good politician who should be able to talk to Nigerians. I have seen one or two or three already.

Interviewer asks him: Young, middle-age, elderly?

IBB replied: 60s.

Interviewer asks him: In their 60s?

IBB replied: yeah.

Interviewer asks him: You think that person should emerge in 2023?

IBB replied: I believe so, if we could get him.



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