Gbenewei Congratulate Pondi on 3rd term

Gbenewei Congratulate Pondi on 3rd term

A prominent youth leader and former community chairman of Obotobo 2 Community in Ogulaghakingdom under Burutu LGA, Mr. Johnson Fiakebena Gbenewei ( Akala ) has Congratulated the member Representing Burutu federal Constituency in the federal House of Representative Rt. Hon. Julius Pondi on his 3rd term swearing in and Inauguration which took place on Tuesday 13th July 2023.

Mr Gbenewei described Pondi as youth friendly and project oriented and encouraged him to do more and uses his political wealth of knowledge to bring more developmental projects from the federal level to Ogulagha kingdom and across  Burutu  LGA while also thanking God 👏  for the Honourable member.


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