Tinubu’s ministerial list: Disqualify Stella Okotete now, lawyer writes Senate__ lawyer, Oladotun Hassan

Tinubu’s ministerial list: Disqualify Stella Okotete now, lawyer writes Senate__ lawyer, Oladotun Hassan

Abuja-based human rights lawyer, Oladotun Hassan, has asked Nigerian Senate to disqualify one of the ministerial nominees, Stella Okotete, over massive corruption allegations.

In a petition seen by TRIBUNE ONLINE Friday, Hassan ordered a proper investigation over what he described as “round-tripping and recycling of different loans and use of various front-companies as proxy to defraud bank of billions of naira and dollars”.

Recall the lawyer in April, had written a petition to the National Assembly through Akinyelure, Chairman Senate Committee on Ethics, Privileges and Public Petition to look into the issue of the ED of Nexim Bank.
The petition called for a reversal of Okotete’s appointment stating that she was not qualified to hold such a position.

In latest development, Hassan asked Senate to investigate the ministerial nominee with immediate effect.

“Predicated upon our demand for the independent and conscientious thorough background investigation and profiling of the culprit’s academic credentials and sequence of events as stated in her unsubstantiated and ridiculously padded CV as follows:

“To investigate her academic profile as regards her school’s records of exams, school fees payments and NYSC Certificate, as well allowance payments during years of service.

“To investigate her disqualification by the Senate and her noncompliance to Senate resolution and ruling is highly contemptuous and disobedience to the constituted authority of Senate,” the petition partly read.

Similarly, the Nigeria Police Force also ordered a discreet investigation of Okotete over alleged falsification of document and monumental fraud.

The investigation order followed a petition by Barrister Aare Oladotun Hassan Esq of Juryman Associate Chambers against the ministerial nominee to the Inspector General of Police, Kayode Egbetokun, over alleged falsification of documents, fraudulent misrepresentation of qualification to hold Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN’s) statutory position, corrupt practice, monumental fraud and misappropriation.


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