Dr. Betta Edu Addresses Critical Issues in the N-Power Program: A Roadmap to Fairness and Efficiency.

Dr. Betta Edu Addresses Critical Issues in the N-Power Program: A Roadmap to Fairness and Efficiency.

"When we came onboard, we encountered numerous issues within the N-Power program that demand clarity.

Firstly, there was an apparent problem of over-registration, where more individuals were allowed to register than the program's capacity allowed.

Secondly, while funds were allocated for N-Power beneficiaries, they were not disbursed in a timely manner by the program's managers, causing delays in payments.

Thirdly, some individuals on the payment list were not actively contributing to the program but still expected payments, leading to inefficiencies.

Furthermore, there were beneficiaries whose time in the N-Power program had expired, yet they insisted on receiving payments.

To address these issues, we established a ministerial committee to investigate the problems within the N-Power program. This committee, led by the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry, included key figures from the Empire Program, NCP National Coordinators, and procurement.

Upon receiving the initial report, we discovered that 20,000 individuals had been paid for the period from October to December of the previous year and subsequently exited the program.

However, there remained questions about who remained on the program and why they had not been paid. Some funds had even been reclaimed due to extended periods of inactivity.

These issues prompted a critical review of the program. Today, we call back the entire team to explain the situation. We must ensure that our remaining funds, though limited, are allocated judiciously to registered beneficiaries of the Empire Program.

Many who claim to be owed for extended periods are no longer part of the program since last year. We aim to rectify these discrepancies, as fairness and efficiency are our top priorities."

- Dr. Betta Edu Virtual Assistant on September 25, 2023


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