Stanley Ekomienyefa Ikiere Set To Wed Sarah Ball-ere Fezamo On Sept. 8th, 2024. Invites well wishers To Grace Occasion.

Stanley Ekomienyefa Ikiere Set To Wed Sarah Ball-ere Fezamo On Sept. 8th, 2024. Invites well wishers To Grace Occasion.

The families of Benson Fezamo of Igbere Quarters, Ayakoromor Town, and the late High Chief S. M. B. Bibaikefie of Ikileware Quarters, Odimodi Town, both in Burutu Local Government Area, Delta State, joyfully announce the upcoming marriage of their children.

Sarah Ball-ere Fezamo and Stanley Ekomienyefa Ikiere will be tying the knot in a ceremony that promises to be a memorable celebration of love and unity. The event is scheduled to take place on September 8, 2024, at the Eliko Hotel in Ekpan, Warri.

This union marks not only the coming together of two individuals but also a significant bonding of two esteemed families. The bride, Sarah Ball-ere Fezamo, is the beloved daughter of the Fezamo Family, while the groom, Stanley Ekomienyefa Ikiere, is the son of the late High Chief S. M. B. Bibaikefie, and elder brother of Prince Kingsley Ikiere, the HOSTCOM Chairman, the Delta Ijaw Chapter.

Family and friends, as well as esteemed guests from far and wide, are invited to join in the celebrations and share in this joyous occasion. The ceremony will be a blend of cultural richness and modern elegance, reflecting the heritage and values of not only both families, communities or kingdoms, but of the Ijaw nation.

This marriage ceremony is expected to be a grand affair, filled with love, laughter, and lifelong memories, as the people of Ayakoromor and Odimodi eagerly await the esteemed pleasure of your presence at this special celebration.


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